In this Section, you will learn what are the functions provided by the SDK to integrate authentication, user management, and Aptos transaction execution into your project.
This function allows users to sign in with Google using OAuthProvider.
* @param {NetworkConfigs} network - Network Type Enum.
* @param {string} apiKey - Your API key from generated from LYNC dashboard -
* @param {boolean} [logEnabled] - Enable/disable logging. The default is true
* @returns {object} SignInWithGoogleReturn - Returns an object with the success status and the user data or error message.
* @typedef {object} SignInWithGoogleReturn - { success: true; user: UserData } | { success: false; message: string };
* @typedef {object} UserData - { id: string; walletAddress: string; name: string; email: string; providerId: string; avatar: string; }
* @errors - The function can throw an error if the sign-in operation fails. The error message is logged if logging is enabled.
This function is used to sign-out a user from the application. It uses Firebase's signOut function to sign out the user.
* @param {boolean} [logEnabled] - Enable/disable logging. The default is true.
* @returns {object} SignOutUserReturn - Returns an object that contains a success status and (optionally) an error message.
* @typedef {object} SignOutUserReturn - { success: true } | { success: false; message: string };
* @errors - The function can throw an error if the sign-out operation fails. The error message is logged if logging is enabled.
This function is used to get the user data from the server using the getUserProfile function.
* @param {string} email - The email address of the user.
* @param {NetworkConfigs} network - Network Type Enum.
* @param {string} apiKey - Your API key from generated from LYNC dashboard -
* @param {boolean} [logEnabled] - Enable/disable logging. The default is true.
* @returns {object} GetUserProfileReturn - Returns an object with the success status and the user data or error message.
* @typedef {object} GetUserProfileReturn - { success: true; data: UserData } | { success: false; message: string };
* @typedef {object} UserData - { id: string; walletAddress: string; name: string; email: string; providerId: string; avatar: string; }
* @errors - The function can throw an error if the request fails. The error message is logged if logging is enabled.
This function will initiate and execute a transaction on the specified Aptos network and return an object containing a success status and transaction result or an error message.
* @param {AptosTransactionFuncArgs} args - The arguments required to execute the generic transaction on the Aptos blockchain.
* @param {string} apiKey - Your API key from generated from LYNC dashboard -
* @param {boolean} [logEnabled] - Enable/disable logging. The default is true.
* @returns {object} AptosTransactionReturn - Returns an object with the success status and the transaction data or error message.
* @typedef {object} AptosTransactionFuncArgs - { email: string; walletAddress: string; contractAddress: string; contractName: string; functionName: string; arguments: Array<AptosTransactionArguments>; usePaymaster?: boolean; }
* @typedef {object} AptosTransactionArguments - { argument: string; type: "string" | "number" | "byte_array" | "signature" }
* @typedef {object} AptosTransactionData - { transactionHash: string }
* @typedef {object} AptosTransactionReturn - { success: true; data: AptosTransactionData } | { success: false; data: string }
* @errors - The function can throw an error if the request fails. The error message is logged if logging is enabled.