Deploying Your Product on TG

With LYNC's Web3 Bot deployer, user can deploy and manage Telegram apps simply by filling out a quick and easy form.

This is a simple dashboard for deploying and managing Telegram mini apps without any prior coding experience.

Getting Your Telegram Bot's Access Token

Before deploying your web application, you will require the Telegram bot's access token. Please follow the documentation here to get the access token of your Telegram bot.

Deploying Your Products on Telegram using LYNC's Deployer

Visit the LYNC Web3 Bot Launcher to getting started with the deployment.

Sign in with your Google account using the button on the top right corner to get started with the deployment.

After successfully signing in, click on the "Deploy Your Mini App" button to access the deployment form.

Fill the required details in the form. The form requires the following details in order to link your app with your telegram bot -

  • Access token - The token given by BotFather bot when creating your Telegram bot (see here).

  • Your Web Application URL - URL of the web application that will be linked to your Telegram bot.

  • Menu Button Text - The text is displayed on the button that will be used to launch your web application within Telegram application. (Example: Launch,, Start Play etc.)

  • Short Description of the Telegram Bot (optional) - This is shown on the bot's profile page and is sent together with the link when users share the bot. You can keep it empty to remove the current short description.

  • Bot Description (optional) - This is shown in the chat with the bot if the chat is empty. You can keep it empty to remove the current description.

After fill out the form correctly, Click on the "Deploy Mini App" button to start the deployment process. This may take a few seconds and will link the given web application URL and set the other properties of your bot as filled in the deployment form.

After successful deployment, you will get a success message with a link to your Telegram bot. You can click on the link and launch and start interacting with your web application using your Telegram bot. The other details (like Menu button and description) will also be reflected in the chat of your Telegram bot.

Click on the "LAUNCH" button to launch your web application within Telegram's environment and start interacting with your website. Now you can share the URL given after the deployment with your users to let them interact with your bot and web application within Telegram'e environment.

Last updated