In this Section, you will see examples of how to use the functions provided by the SDK to integrate authentication, user management, and Movement transaction execution into your React project. All the example uses TypeScript. However, the SDK can also be used with React and JavaScript in the same way, as shown in the examples.
Functions Overview
1. Authenticating user with Google Sign-In
// Function Signature -constsignInWithGoogle= (network:MovementNetwork, logEnabled?:boolean) =>Promise<SignInWithGoogleReturn>;
This function allows users to sign in with Google using OAuthProvider.
network: The network on which the transaction will be executed. For now, only testnet is supported.
logEnabled (optional): Enable/disable logging. The default is true.
Return Type:
{ success: true; user: UserData; } if successful.
{ success: false; message: string; } if unsuccessful.
The function can throw an error if the sign-in operation fails. The error message is logged if logging is enabled.
Here is an example of a React component that imports and uses the signInWithGoogle function:
import React from"react";// Import the `signInWithGoogle` function from our SDKimport { signInWithGoogle } from"@lyncworld/movement-social-login-sdk";constSignInButton= () => {// Create a function to call the `signInWithGoogle` function// and handle your custom sign-in logicconsthandleSignIn=async () => {try {// Your custom logic before authentication goes here...// Use the `signInWithGoogle` method from the SDK to authenticate the user.// This function authenticates the user and returns an object that contains// a success status and user data or error message based on the result of// authentication (refer to above-described documentation for return values)constresponse=awaitsignInWithGoogle(MovementNetwork.Testnet);// Your custom logic after authentication goes here...if (response.success) {// If authentication is successful, the function will return the user dataconsole.log("User data:",response.user); } else {// If authentication fails, the function will return an error message// describing why the authentication has failedconsole.log("Error:",response.message); } } catch (error) {// Your custom error handling logic goes here...console.error("An error occurred:", error); } };return <buttononClick={handleSignIn}>Sign in with Google</button>;};exportdefault SignInButton;
2. Signing Out a User
// Function Signature -constsignOutUser= (logEnabled?:boolean) =>Promise<SignOutUserReturn>;
This function is used to sign a user out of the application. It uses Firebase's signOut function to sign out the user.
logEnabled (optional): Enable/disable logging. The default is true.
Return Type:
{ success: true; } if successful.
{ success: false; message: string; } if unsuccessful.
The function can throw an error if the sign-out operation fails. The error message is logged if logging is enabled.
Here is an example of a React component that imports and uses the signOutUser function:
import React from"react";// Import the `signOutUser` function from our SDKimport { signOutUser } from"@lyncworld/movement-social-login-sdk";constSignOutButton= () => {// Create a function to call the `signOutUser` function// and handle your custom sign-out logicconsthandleSignOut=async () => {try {// Your custom logic before sign-out goes here...// Use the `signOutUser` method from the SDK to sign the user out.// This function signs a user out of the application and returns an object that// contains a success status and (optionally) an error message based on the// result of sign out (refer to above-described documentation for return values)constresponse=awaitsignOutUser();// Your custom logic after sign-out goes here...if (response.success) {// If sign-out is successful, the function will return `true` for successconsole.log("User signed out successfully"); } else {// If sign-out fails, the function will return `false` for success// and an error message describing why the sign-out has failedconsole.log("Error:",response.message); } } catch (error) {// Your custom error handling logic goes here...console.error("An error occurred:", error); } };return <buttononClick={handleSignOut}>Sign out</button>;};exportdefault SignOutButton;
3. Get the details of a User
// Function Signature -constgetUserData= (email:string, network:MovementNetwork, logEnabled?:boolean) =>Promise<GetUserProfileReturn>;
This function is an asynchronous function that fetches a user's profile from the server.
email: The email of the user.
network: The network on which the transaction will be executed. For now, only testnet is supported.
logEnabled (optional): Enable/disable logging. The default is true.
Return Type:
{ success: true; data: UserData; } if successful.
{ success: false; data: string; } if unsuccessful.
The function can throw an error if the fetch operation fails. The error message is logged if logging is enabled.
Here is an example of a React component that imports and uses the getUserProfile function:
import React, { useEffect, useState } from"react";// Import the `getUserProfile` function from our SDKimport { getUserProfile, MovementNetwork, UserData } from"@lyncworld/movement-social-login-sdk";constUserProfileComponent= () => {// React state to set user's data return by the `getUserProfile` functionconst [userProfile,setUserProfile] =useState<UserData|null>(null);useEffect(() => {// Create a function to call the `getUserProfile` function// and handle your custom fetching logic hereconstfetchUserProfile=async () => {// Your custom logic before fetching the details goes here...// Use the `getUserProfile` method from the SDK to fetch the user details.// This function checks for the user with the specified email and network and// returns an object that contains a success status and user data or an error// message based on the existance of user in our database.constresponse=awaitgetUserProfile("",MovementNetwork.Testnet);// Your custom logic after fetching the details goes here...if (response.success) {// If the request is successful, the function will return the user data// Set the returned data to the react state defined above.setUserProfile(; } else {// If the request fails, the function will return an error message// describing why the request has failedconsole.error(response.message); } };// Call the function on the page load to get the data of the userfetchUserProfile(); }, []);return ( <div> {userProfile && ( <div> <h2>{}</h2> <p>{}</p> {/* Render other user profile data as needed */} </div> )}</div> );};exportdefault UserProfileComponent;
4. Generic Transactions on Movement Networks
// Function SignatureconstmovementTransaction= (args:MovementTransactionFuncArgs, logEnabled?:boolean) =>Promise<MovementTransactionReturn>;
This is an asynchronous function that executes a generic Movement transaction.
args (MovementTransactionFuncArgs): The arguments for the generic Movement transaction. It is an object that includes the following properties:
email (string): The email of the user.
network (MovementNetwork): The network on which the transaction will be executed. For now, only testnet is supported.
accountAddress (string): The wallet address of the currently signed-in user.
contractAddress (string): The contract address.
contractName (string): The contract name.
functionName (string): The function name.
arguments (Array): The arguments for the transaction. Each argument is an object that includes the following properties:
argument (string): The argument used by the function.
type (TransactionArgumentTypes): The type of the argument. It can be TransactionArgumentTypes.String, TransactionArgumentTypes.Number, TransactionArgumentTypes.ByteArray, or TransactionArgumentTypes.Signature.
usePaymaster (optional): Enable/disable the use of paymaster. The default is false. If you enable Paymaster, the transaction will be sponsored. Also, if the wallet doesn't exist, it will be created automatically before the transaction.
logEnabled (optional): Enable/disable logging. The default is true.
Return Type:
{ success: true; data: MovementTransactionData; } if successful.
{ success: false; data: string; } if unsuccessful.
The function can throw an error if the transaction fails. The error message is logged if logging is enabled.
Here is an example of a React component that imports and uses the movementTransaction function to perform a simple movement transaction:
import React, { useState } from"react";// Import the `movementTransaction` function from our SDKimport { movementTransaction, MovementNetwork, MovementTransactionData } from"@lyncworld/movement-social-login-sdk";constTransactionComponent= () => {// React state to set transaction response data return by the `movementTransaction` functionconst [transactionResult,setTransactionResult] =useState<MovementTransactionData|null>(null);// Create a function to call the `movementTransaction` function// and handle your custom logics hereconstexecuteTransaction=async () => {// Your custom logic before sending the transaction goes here...// Sample arguments required by the `movementTransaction` function to process a transactionconsttransactionArgs= { email:"",// Email id of the sender network:MovementNetwork.Testnet,// Network on which the transaction will execute accountAddress:"0x0000",// The wallet address of the sender contractAddress:"0x30b16e76bbd67b41387a33de68ab489fec1ecab210c1b06413121e5da7ba839f",// Contract address of the deployed contract on the Movement network specified above contractName:"lync_contract",// Name of the contract functionName:"hit",// Name of the function to be executed arguments: [],// Arguments required by the function to be executed usePaymaster:true,// Optional. If true, the transaction fee will be sponsored by the Lync, else the transaction fee will be paid by the sender };try {// Use the `movementTransaction` method from the SDK to send the transaction.// This function will initiate and execute a transaction on the specified// Movement network and returns an object that contains a success status// and transaction result or an error message based on the success of execution of// the transaction.constresponse=awaitmovementTransaction(transactionArgs);// Your custom logic after execution of the transaction goes here...if (response.success) {// If the request is successful, the function will return the transaction data// Set the returned data to the react state defined above.setTransactionResult(; } else {// If the request fails, the function will return an error message// describing why the request has failedconsole.error(response.message); } } catch (error) {// Your custom error handling logic goes here...console.error("Error executing transaction:", error); } };return ( <div><button onClick={executeTransaction}>Execute Transaction</button> {transactionResult && ( <div> <h2>Transaction Result:</h2> <p>Success: {transactionResult.success.toString()}</p> <p>Data: {JSON.stringify(}</p> </div> )}</div> );};exportdefault TransactionComponent;