Create a new wallet

Create a new wallet

POST /create_wallet

This endpoint generates a new wallet for the user. Upon creation, a new wallet address and private key are generated. This endpoint requires the email of the user and network on which the account needs to be created for wallet creation and x-api-key and LYNC's API key for request validation and it will return a newly created wallet's details, including the wallet address and private key. It's recommended to securely store the private key since it is required to access and manage the wallet.



    "email": "<email address>", // mobile: <mobile>
    "apiKey": "<api key>",
    "network": "testnet"


    "message": "Wallet created successfully",
    "status": 201,
    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "id": "6703d1687903fc2b1991d545",
        "publicKey": "Public Key",
        "privateKey": "Private Key"

Last updated