Lootbox admin functions

These are function that only the lootbox owner can call. One of the function (update whitelist) is already described above.

Initialize the class before calling any of these functions

import { LyncLootBox, LootBoxError } from "@lyncworld/lootbox-evm-sdk";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

const lb = new LyncLootBox();
await lb.initialize(
	ChainIdentifier.BASE_SEPOLIA, // your chain
	provider, // provider
	lootboxId // your lootbox id / address


These functions if called with a signer that is not the owner of the lootbox will throw LBErrorCodes.VALIDATION_ERROR with the message "Signer is not the lootbox owner."

1. activate

This function activates a lootbox which might be deactivated by the owner earlier or might be deactivated while creating the lootbox using the activateLootbox option.

const signer = ... // transaction signer - should be the lootbox owner
const txn = await lb.activate(signer);

2. deactivate

This function deactivates the lootbox which stops any new users from opening the lootbox. This will temporarily stop the lootbox and will not remove any items from the lootbox.

NOTE: Users with any pending claims can still claim their rewards.

const signer = ... // transaction signer - should be the lootbox owner
const txn = await lb.deactivate(signer);

3. removeItem

This will remove one item from the lootbox. It will withdraw the item if it is present in the lootbox and send it to the owner of the lootbox.

const signer = ... // transaction signer - should be the lootbox owner
const itemAddress = ... // item address - should be present in lootbox
const txn = await lb.removeItem(signer, itemAddress);

4. permanentlyStop

This will permanently disable the lootbox and withdraw all the items from the lootbox and send it to lootbox owner. This action will permanently disable all functions of the lootbox except for the claimRewards function. Users who have pending rewards from previous openings will still be able to claim them. This will also stop the lootbox from receiving any new RNGs from supra.

const signer = ... // transaction signer - should be the lootbox owner
const txn = await lb.permanentlyStop(signer);

5. updateRemainingOpensForAddresses

Since, there could be multiple opens per wallet. This function can be used to set the number of opens for some addresses other then the default passed during creation.

const signer = ... // transaction signer - should be the lootbox owner
const addresses = [
	... more addresses
const remainingOpens = [
	... new remainingOpens for other addresses
const txn = await lb.updateRemainingOpensForAddresses(

6. changeTrustedForwarder

Change the trusted forwarder for meta transactions. Can be useful when you switch meta transaction providers.

const signer = ... // transaction signer - should be the lootbox owner
const newForwarder = "0x..." // new forwarder address
const txn = await lb.changeTrustedForwarder(signer, newForwarder);

7. transferOwnership

Change the lootbox owner.


If you change the ownership of the lootbox and then withdraw any item or permanently stop the lootbox all the contents of the lootbox will be sent to the new owner.

const signer = ... // transaction signer - should be the lootbox owner
const newOwner = "0x..." // new lootbox owner
const txn = await lb.transferOwnership(signer, newOwner);

Last updated