Launch Your Entire Collection

This "Collection" option is used when you're deploying a full set of NFTs, rather than a single item. Collections allow you to group multiple NFTs under a single deployment, making it easier to manage and launch a series of related NFTs.

Provide Collection Details

  • Image - Upload an image that represents your collection. This is often a visual that encapsulates the essence of your entire collection and will be displayed on the claimer page to attract potential buyers. The image should be high-quality and relevant to the theme of the collection.

  • Name - Enter a unique name for your NFT collection. This name will be used for identification and branding purposes, so choose something memorable and descriptive.

  • Description - Write a brief description of your collection. This description provides context and information about what makes your collection unique. It helps potential buyers understand the theme, value, and special features of your NFTs.

Enter Contract Information

  • Contract Name - Choose a unique name for the smart contract that will govern your NFT collection. This name helps in identifying and differentiating your contract from others on the blockchain.

  • Contract Symbol - Enter a symbol that represents your collection, similar to a ticker symbol for stocks. This symbol is often a short, memorable string of characters that will be used to identify your collection in various contexts.

  • Select Chain - Use the network selector dropdown to choose the blockchain network where your NFT collection will be deployed. This could be a network like Fuel, Ethereum, or another blockchain. The choice of network can affect transaction costs, speed, and compatibility.

Choose Contract Type

  • Non-Fungible NFT Contrat (1/1 NFT) - This contract type is ideal for NFTs that are unique and not interchangeable. Each token is distinct and has its properties. Nonfungible is a variant of the ERC-721 on EVM standard that improves gas efficiency.

  • Semi-Fungible NFT Contract (Multiple Editions) - This contract type is suited for NFTs where multiple copies or editions of the same item exist. Semi-fungible NFTs allows for a single contract to manage multiple types of tokens, making it more flexible and efficient for collections with common properties or editions.

Input Metadata and Supply Details

  • Token URI - Provide the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) for the token metadata. This URI points to where the metadata for each NFT is stored, usually on a decentralized storage network like IPFS (InterPlanetary File System). Metadata includes information like the NFT’s name, description, and image.

  • Max Mints Per Wallet - Set a limit on the number of NFTs that can be minted per wallet address. This can help prevent any single user from hoarding too many NFTs and ensures a fair distribution.

  • Total Supply - Specify the total number of NFTs available in your collection. This is the cap on how many NFTs will be created and made available for minting.

  • Minting Cost - Enter the cost required to mint each NFT. This is the price that users will pay to acquire an NFT from your collection. It can be set in the blockchain's native cryptocurrency or another token.

Deploy the Collection

  • Deploy - Once you’ve filled in all the details and reviewed them, click on the "Deploy" button. This action will initiate the process of creating your NFT collection on the chosen blockchain. Depending on the blockchain, this might involve paying a deployment fee (gas fee) and will make your collection available for minting by users.

By following these detailed steps, you'll be able to effectively deploy your NFT collection, ensuring all necessary information is included and configured correctly.

Share and Manage the Claimer Page

Find the Claimer Page for Your NFT Collection

  • Navigate to Your Contracts Section - After deploying your NFT contract using the Fuel NFT Deployer, go to the "Your Contracts" section on your dashboard.

  • Locate Your Collection - In this section, you will see a list of all the NFT contracts you've deployed. Look for the specific NFT collection you want to share.

  • Access the Claimer Page - Each NFT collection will have an associated Claimer Page URL. Click on this URL or copy it to access the Claimer Page for your NFT collection.

Share with Your Community

  • Distribute the URL - The Claimer Page URL is the link you’ll share with your community, friends, or customers. This URL directs users to a page where they can interact with your NFT collection.

  • Publicize Your Collection - Use various platforms such as social media, email newsletters, or community forums to share the URL. Provide context about the collection and how users can engage with it.

  • Encourage Interaction - Explain the benefits and unique aspects of your NFTs to motivate users to visit the Claimer Page and participate in the minting process.

Manage and Track Your NFTs Using the Fuel NFT Deployer Dashboard

  • Monitor Minting Activity - Access the dashboard to view real-time data on how many NFTs have been minted from your collection. This includes tracking which NFTs are being claimed and the rate of minting.

  • Track User Interactions - The dashboard will provide insights into user interactions, such as which users are minting NFTs and any patterns or trends in their activities.

  • Review Essential Metrics - Analyze other important metrics, including the total number of NFTs minted, remaining supply, and any errors or issues encountered during the minting process.

  • Manage Your Collection - Use the tools provided in the dashboard to make adjustments or updates to your NFT collection if needed, such as modifying minting parameters or addressing user feedback.

By following these detailed steps, you’ll be able to effectively share your NFT collection, engage with your audience, and manage the ongoing activity associated with your NFTs.

Last updated