Useful information functions from LyncLootBox class


These are information functions and do not require a signer. Just the provider will work!

Initialize the class before calling any of these functions.

import { LyncLootBox, LootBoxError } from "@lyncworld/lootbox-evm-sdk";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

const lb = new LyncLootBox();
await lb.initialize(
	ChainIdentifier.BASE_SEPOLIA, // your chain
	provider, // provider
	lootboxId // your lootbox id / address

1. isEmpty

Checks if the lootbox is empty or not.

const empty = await lb.isEmpty();
console.log(empty); // true or false

2. itemAddresses

Lists the item addresses that are present in the lootbox.

const itemAddresses = await lb.itemAddresses();
console.log(itemAddresses); // Array of addresses


It has an optional parameter useSubgraph which takes a boolean. If set to true, it will utilize the subgraph instead of directly querying the blockchain.

3. owner

Returns the owner of the lootbox.

const owner = await lb.owner();
console.log(owner); // Owner address

4. active

Returns the status of the lootbox.

const isActive = await;
console.log(isActive); // true or false

5. permanentlyStopped

Returns whether the lootbox is permanently stopped or not.

const killed = await lb.permanentlyStopped();
console.log(killed); // true or false

6. chainId

Returns the chainId.

const chainId = await lb.chainId();
console.log(chainId); // chain id

7. creator

Returns the address of the lootbox creator.

const creator = await lb.creator();
console.log(creator); // Address of lootbox creator

8. merkleRoot

Returns the merkle root since we use the merkle tree method of whitelisting large number addresses.

const merkleRoot = await lb.merkleRoot();
console.log(merkleRoot); // merkleRoot Hex

9. remainingOpens

Returns the number of time a wallet can still open the lootbox.

const walletAddress = "0x...";
const opens = await lb.remainingOpens(walletAddress);
console.log(opens); // number of opens for the walletAddress

10. hasPendingClaims

Returns whether a wallet has some pending claims or not.

const walletAddress = "0x...";
const canClaim = await lb.hasPendingClaims(walletAddress);
console.log(canClaim); // true of false

11. lootboxContents

Returns the current state of the lootbox. Details like which item is present in the lootbox, quantity and tokenIds.


This function utilizes the subgraph, which may result in a slight delay in retrieving the data.

const contents = await lb.lootboxContents();

Example output:

  erc20Items: [
      itemAddress: '0x...', // addres of the erc20 token
      tokenAmount: '85517387241022654383'
    ... more items
  erc721Items: [
		  itemAddress: '0x...', // addres of the erc721 token
			tokenIds: []
    ... more items
  erc1155Items: [
      itemAddress: '0x...', // addres of the erc1155 token
      tokenIds: ['1', '2', '3', ...], // remaining token Ids
	    tokenAmounts: ['5', '8', '1', ...] // remaining token amounts
    ... more items

12. trustedForwarder

Get the current trusted forwarder address.

const trustedForwarder = await lb.trustedForwarder();
console.log(trustedForwarder); // address of trustedForwarder

13. getRewardsForAddress

Get the rewards for the address which has opened the lootbox. It returns all the accumulated rewards.

const walletAddress = "0x..."; 
const rewards = await lb.getRewardsForAddress(walletAddress);
console.log(rewards); // array of rewards

Example output:

    itemAddress: '0x8869d99c72aF9d4A00090e298Af990303216f0D0',
    tokenId: '',
    tokenAmount: '12933075821210463238',
    uri: '',
    type: 'ERC20'
    itemAddress: '0xd34EFc9525bb841D707ae99bfd4fD77f92775980',
    tokenId: '35',
    tokenAmount: '1',
    uri: '<>',
    type: 'ERC721'
    itemAddress: '0xd34EFc9525bb841D707ae99bfd4fD77f92775980',
    tokenId: '73',
    tokenAmount: '1',
    uri: '<>',
    type: 'ERC721'
    itemAddress: '0xd34EFc9525bb841D707ae99bfd4fD77f92775980',
    tokenId: '14',
    tokenAmount: '1',
    uri: '<>',
    type: 'ERC721'
    itemAddress: '0x815b49F19e0ea4e4cdc87a65B96D6A8222e0AF21',
    tokenId: '29',
    tokenAmount: '1',
    uri: '<>',
    type: 'ERC721'
    itemAddress: '0x408410fe1d572E5560d3f73F330EC4F298D20B4f',
    tokenId: '4',
    tokenAmount: '1',
    uri: '<>',
    type: 'ERC1155'
    itemAddress: '0x408410fe1d572E5560d3f73F330EC4F298D20B4f',
    tokenId: '7',
    tokenAmount: '1',
    uri: '<>',
    type: 'ERC1155'
    itemAddress: '0x2B4B00f625E595C4B5e7381968ff32fB565985D4',
    tokenId: '2',
    tokenAmount: '3',
    uri: '<>',
    type: 'ERC1155'

14. getAllRewardsForAddress

Returns all the rewards a wallet has gotten till now. Uses subgraph

const walletAddress = "0x..."; 
const rewardsAll = await lb.getAllRewardsForAddress(walletAddress);
console.log(rewardsAll); // array 

Example output:

  erc20Items: [
      itemAddress: '0x...', // addres of the erc20 token
      tokenAmount: '85517387241022654383' // total token amount for this wallet
    ... more items
  erc721Items: [
		  itemAddress: '0x...', // addres of the erc721 token
			tokenIds: ['2', '3', ...] // all the token ids for this wallet
    ... more items
  erc1155Items: [
      itemAddress: '0x...', // addres of the erc1155 token
      tokenIds: ['1', '2', '3', ...], // all the token ids for this wallet
	    tokenAmounts: ['5', '8', '1', ...] // respective token amounts 
    ... more items

Last updated