Claiming the Rewards

Claiming rewards from a lootbox in Fuel Lootbox involves finalizing the transaction to ensure that the assets (NFTs and FTs) are transferred from the lootbox to the user’s Fuel Wallet. Before claiming rewards, the user must have completed the lootbox opening process, which involves the user clicking the "Open Lootbox" button and viewed the rewards revealed through the animation. The rewards have been displayed on the screen, showing which NFTs and FTs the user has received. After opening the lootbox, the user should review the rewards that were revealed. This step ensures that the user understands what they are about to claim.

The user will see the details of each NFT, including its name, image, and any relevant metadata. Similarly, the user will see the quantity of FTs (fungible tokens) and the type of token received. To proceed with claiming the rewards, the user needs to click the "Go to Rewards" button. This action initiates the final step of the process.

Clicking the "Go to Rewards" button will take the action to complete the transfer of the rewards from the lootbox to the user’s Fuel Wallet. The action will update the lootbox status to reflect that the rewards have been claimed, and the lootbox can no longer be used or reopened.

The Fuel Lootbox backend system performs the necessary operations to ensure the NFTs and FTs are correctly moved from the lootbox to the user’s wallet. After processing, the rewards are deposited into the user’s Fuel Wallet. The user can immediately view the claimed NFTs and FTs in their Fuel Wallet. There is no need for the user to perform any additional actions to see the rewards in their wallet. The lootbox's status is updated to reflect that it has been used, and no further actions can be taken with that lootbox. The claiming process is designed to be simple and efficient, ensuring that users can quickly and easily receive their rewards after opening a lootbox.

Important Notes -

  • Each lootbox can only be claimed once. After the rewards are claimed, the lootbox cannot be used again, and the user cannot claim additional rewards from the same lootbox.

  • Once rewards are claimed and transferred to the wallet, the action cannot be reversed. Users should ensure they want to claim the rewards before finalizing the action.

  • The rewards are accessible in the user’s wallet immediately after claiming, providing instant satisfaction and seamless integration with the user’s Fuel Wallet.

Last updated