Getting Started

Connect Your Wallet

To deploy NFTs using the Fuel NFT Deployer, you first need to connect your wallet. Our platform supports a variety of wallets compatible with the Fuel blockchain network, including Fuel Wallet, Ethereum Wallet, and other wallets supported by the Fuel blockchain network. Follow these steps to connect your wallet:

  1. Visit the Fuel NFT Deployer Portal - Navigate to our web application to start the NFT deployment process.

  2. Click on 'Connect Wallet' - Locate and click the 'Connect Wallet' button, it is located at the top right corner of the page.

  3. Choose Your Wallet Type - A popup will appear, asking you to select your preferred wallet. Choose from supported options like Fuel Wallet, Ethereum Wallet, or any other compatible wallet.

  4. Follow the Wallet-Specific Instructions - Depending on the wallet type selected, you will be guided through the connection process:

    • Fuel Wallet: If you have the Fuel Wallet browser extension installed, a pop-up will appear requesting permission to connect.

    • Ethereum Wallet: If using MetaMask or another Ethereum-compatible wallet, follow the prompts to authorize the connection.

    • Other Wallets: Follow the specific instructions provided by the wallet of your choice.

  5. Confirm the Connection - After authorizing the connection, your wallet will be successfully connected to the Fuel NFT Deployer. You will see your wallet address displayed on the top right corner of the page.

  6. Proceed with NFT Deployment - Once connected, you're ready to deploy your NFTs or collections directly from our portal without requiring any blockchain expertise.

Note: Ensure your wallet is funded with sufficient tokens required for gas fees during the deployment process.

Choose NFT Type for Deployment

Once your wallet is connected, you can choose the type of NFT you want to deploy:

  1. Nonfungible NFT (1/1 NFTs) A unique digital asset that cannot be replicated or subdivided. Select this option if you want to deploy single NFTs, such as art pieces, digital collectibles, or one-of-a-kind assets.

  2. Semi-fungible NFT (Multiple Editions) An NFT that can be grouped or subdivided into multiple units. Select this option if you want to deploy NFTs that are interchangeable or have certain fungible properties.

  3. NFT Collections Deploy a collection of NFTs, either Nonfungible or Semi-fungible, that share common characteristics or themes. Ideal for deploying a series of related digital artworks, in-game assets, or other collectibles.

After selecting the type of NFT you want to deploy, you will be guided through easy steps to customize and mint your digital asset. This includes defining properties such as the asset's name, description, metadata, supply, and any special attributes unique to your creation. Once all the details are filled in, simply confirm your deployment.

Upon successful deployment, your NFT or NFT collection will be live on the Fuel blockchain. You will retain full control over your digital assets, with the ability to manage, track, and interact with them directly from your connected wallet.

Last updated