Getting Started


Before you begin integrating Lootbox SDK, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Node.js (version 20 or above) installed on your system.

  • NPM (version 10 or above) or Yarn (latest version) installed on your system.


You can install the package using either npm or yarn. Follow the following instructions to install the SDK and get started -

  1. Open your terminal.

  2. Navigate to your project's directory.

  3. We have 2 packages:

    • Ethers v5 compatible package:

    npm install --save @lyncworld/lootbox-evm-sdk


    yarn add @lyncworld/lootbox-evm-sdk

    • ethers v6 compatible package:

    npm install --save @lyncworld/lootbox-evm-sdk@2.1.0-ethers-v6


    yarn add @lyncworld/lootbox-evm-sdk@2.2.0-ethers-v6

Congratulations! You have successfully integrated @lyncworld/lootbox-evm-sdk into your project. If you encounter any issues or have any questions, feel free to reach out to our support team for assistance.

Last updated