Claiming rewards

After opening a lootbox using the above method, you can utilize the claimRewards method provided by the LyncLootBox class.


Since you can open the lootbox multiple time so you can also claim the rewards from multiple opens in a single transaction. Example: Lets say you open the lootbox 2 times and got 2 tokens for the first open and 1 for the second open. When you claim you can get all the 3 tokens(accumulated rewards) in a single claim transaction.

Here is the complete specification of the method and an example function for creating a new Lootbox:

Method Overview:

The claimRewards function is an asynchronous function that is used to claim the rewards from a loot box. It performs several checks and operations before and after the rewards are claimed.


The function takes one parameter:

  • signer (Signer): The signer who will be signing the claim rewards transactions. It represents the entity (usually a user) that is initiating the transaction to claim the rewards.

Return Value

The function returns a Promise that resolves to an object with two properties:

  • txn: This is the transaction object returned from the claimRewards function of the lootBoxInstance.

  • receipt: This is the receipt object returned from calling the wait function on the transaction object.


The function can throw several errors, all instances of the LootBoxError class:

  • If there is nothing to claim a LootBoxError with the LOOTBOX_REWARDS_CLAIM_ERROR code.

  • If the rewards claim fails for any other reason, it throws a LootBoxError with the LOOTBOX_REWARDS_CLAIM_ERROR code.


This function will trigger a transaction on the blockchain, which will require the user to pay gas fees. Make sure the user is aware of this before calling this function. The TransactionResponse object can be used to track the status of the transaction on the blockchain.

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