Creating a Lootbox

Creating a lootbox on Fuel Lootbox involves depositing assets (NFTs and FTs) and setting parameters that will control how rewards are distributed when someone opens the lootbox. Users create a lootbox by depositing their NFTs and FTs into the system and specifying the range of assets.

Before creating a lootbox, the user needs to log into the Fuel Lootbox web application using their Fuel Wallet. This ensures the user has access to the assets (NFTs and FTs) they want to deposit into the lootbox. Once logged in, the user can navigate to the section where they can create a new lootbox. This option is clearly labeled as "Create a new Lootbox" on the homepage of the web application.

Choose Assets to Include in the Lootbox

NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens):

  • Deposit NFTs: The user can select which NFTs they want to deposit into the lootbox. The NFTs must already exist in the user’s wallet.

  • Specify Range: After selecting the NFTs, the user specifies the range of how many NFTs can be given out when the lootbox is opened. For instance, if the user deposits 5 NFTs, they may specify that the lootbox should give out between 1 and 3 NFTs. This range defines how many NFTs the system will randomly select when the lootbox is opened.

FTs (Fungible Tokens):

  • Deposit Tokens: The user will need to selects which FTs they want to deposit into the lootbox. The FTs must also already be deployed and available in the user’s wallet.

  • Specify Range: Similar to NFTs, the user defines the range for how many FTs will be given when the lootbox is opened. For example, if the user deposits 1000 tokens, they might specify that the lootbox should randomly give out between 10 and 100 tokens.

Adding Asset IDs:

  • NFT Asset IDs: For each NFT the user deposits, they need to input the corresponding asset ID. These IDs uniquely identify each NFT and can be found in the user’s Fuel Wallet.

  • Fungible Token Asset IDs: Similarly, for FTs, the user must input the token’s asset ID. This ensures that the correct tokens are associated with the lootbox.

Review and Confirm Deployment

Before finalizing the lootbox, the user can review all the details, including NFTs and FTs and their asset IDs respectively. Once everything is reviewed, the user can find the "Create Lootbox" button and click the button to confirm the creation of the lootbox. At this point, the NFTs and FTs will be deposited into the lootbox and will be made available for rewards to the users opening the lootbox.

Once the lootbox is created, it becomes available for opening. At this point, the lootbox is visible in the user interface, and ready for opening. If desired, the user can share the lootbox with others, or they may choose to open it themselves.

Important Notes -

  • Users can only deposit NFTs and FTs that already exist. Fuel Lootbox does not support creating or minting new tokens.

  • Although the user sets specific ranges for both NFTs and FTs, the system will handle the randomization process. For example, if the user defines that the lootbox will give out between 1-3 NFTs, the number and selection of NFTs are random within this range when the box is opened.

  • Each lootbox can only be opened and claimed once per wallet address. Once opened, the rewards are distributed, and the lootbox can no longer be available to the same wallet address.

Last updated